Background of the Study
The poliomyelitis eradication strategies by the use of the oral polio
vaccine administration had became a multi decade trend. The people
are tied and bother which was being used in order to eradicate
poliomyelitis prevailing incidence in the communities.
As a national issue going on in collaboration the World Health
Organization international private non-governmental agencies and the
other voluntary world donors of varying disciplines to accomplish the
In Nigeria and other countries of Africa World Health Organisation
(WHO) (1977) the global polio eradication initiative had identified 10
global priority countries that require particularly intense and sustain
efforts to interrupt poliomyelitis transmission by the use of the Oral
Poliomyelitis Vaccination (OPV). In 2002 there were discovered clusters
and multiple pockets of polio virus in Angola refugees in western
Zambia. As the result of wars that had not been reached due to
migration with increased population movement in western Zambia. In
the Democratic Republic of Congo where many clusters of polio virus
was discovered in the subsequent years reinforce the need for a
sustained regional efforts to eradicate the wild polio virus transmission.
In 2001 the WHO reported that 57 cases discovered confirmed in
disease surveillance and notification exercises in the 17 states of Nigeria
the World Health Organization (WHO) had assisted the country Nigeria
in order to establish an effective surveillance system for Acute Flaccid
Paralysis (AFP) which lead to the provision of the accredited National
Laboratories at Ibadan and Maiduguri to support the Nigeria polio
eradication initiative surveillance system to monitor the polio virus
The respective membership to accomplish the goal of PEI (Polio
Eradication Initiative) partners the WHO UNICEF (United Nations
International Children Emergency Fund) Partnership Involving Routine
Immunization in Nigeria (PRIINN) and others have reiterated that they
have gone too far not to reach the goal of polio free world” that they
owe it to future generation to finish the job.
In 2002 the former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo has
lamented showing that reaching every child regardless of where he was
remains virtually important to breaking the transmission of the wild polio
virus the agent of poliomyelitis when a joint league of nation will be
satisfied for polio free in 2005. In 2002 a sub national immunization
implementation was carried out in 39 municipalities in the country.
Approximately 66% of the total target population the 0-59 months was
selected based on the predefined epidemiological criteria.
Babangida the former Nigeria President in 2001 overview poliomyelitis
virus eradication other than in developed country where emphasis on
environmental health services than in regard to National Immunization
Days (NIDS) Acute Surveillance or Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) by ward
level coverage conducted in African regions describe the outstanding
constraints with proposed potential resources in order to prepare for the
The African regions reports the Oral Polio Vaccine) coverage rate with 3
doses of oral polio vaccine to each of the target children have generally
been stagnant instead there were so many reported cases of rejection
0 doses hard to reach areas of the target population.
In 2003 by the idea of ward level house to house method employed the
2 drops 3 courses of Oral Polio Vaccination (OPV) National
Immunization Days (NIDS). The prevalence rate was decrease from
51% to 30% as the result of improved environmental health services
supplemented during the period of the environmental health sanitation
advocated by the President in the federation which was affected by the
supply of portable water for the communities.
Majority of the household depend on the average 2-3 water litres per
day per head irrespective of the water sources as lakes ponds
streams with associated sorts of contamination for the house use.
This potentially is responsible for the explosive faucal oral infections
transmission and diseases outbreaks in the community. In the dry
season is the peaked period of water scarcity which was the period the
people have no choice of the source of water for consumption and the
household works.
Physiological Factors Associated with Poliomyelitis
Professional Guide to Diseases page 242 indicated poliomyelitis as
infantile disease and paralysis an acute communicable disease which is
caused by a polio virus. It ranges in severity from in apparent infection
to fatal paralytic illness. It was first recognized in 1840 epidemic in
Norway and Sweden 1905. The outbreak reach pandemic in Europe
north America Australia and Netherland during the 1st half of the
century early 1950 which necessitated to the development of vaccine
The disease usually strikes during the summer period against the
vulnerable group aged 0-59 months even though both adults and all
genders are developing the infection.
If the Central Nerves System (CNS) is spared the prognosis recovery is
excellent. The disease invades the nervous tissues leading to paralysis
and death.
Factor associated to the acquiring the disease were fatigue trauma
(following unsafe injection trauma tooth extraction tonsillectomy
following septic procedure apply in medical or local surgeries in hospital
and the households respectively. The virus is of 3 genotypes. It
includes type I type II and type III. It occasionally use to occur as a
mixed infections.
Medical Management
Poliomyelitis is control by good personal health water and food hygiene
provision of accessible toilet waste sanitary disposal and early child
Meanwhile immunization is the only restricted method of eradication
recognized by the policy members for polio eradication. The diagnosis
of polio infected people is based on sign and symptoms exhibited by
patient no antibiotic for treatment of virus infection. No prophylaxis no
massive chemotherapy is available once the infection has set in. people
believe that it is caused by a devil.
Statement of the Problem
1) The persistent incidence of the wild polio virus infection in
Bungudu it continue to reoccur over the period of 10 years
despite the numerous attempts made to improve the status of
routine immunization NIDs and other special methods of use in
vaccine inoculation to the larger population.
2) There are so many challenges that faces the process of
immunization in health delivery power failure necessary in cold
chain management.
3) Significance numbers of areas in the areas are difficult to reach –
expensive welfare for teams vaccine transportation vaccine
preservation and administration.
4) The people still have not fully accepted the idea of polio
immunization there are many cases of vaccine rejection missed
doses unattended revisited houses as the results of lordship
involves in the strategies and the lower quality team morale.
Purpose of the Study
● To identify those factors that lead to high prevalence of polio
disease in the area.
● To corrects the bad health practices of the community and to
reduce the rate of the polio incidence.
● To improve the environmental health services of the community as
a supplementary idea so as to complement the idea of oral polio
Significance of the Study
● The study project work will be of value to the Ministry of Health
Department of Public Health.
● It serves for making reference for students in health institution and
the other co learners in the educational fields.
Research Questions
1) What are the source of water of the people of Bungudu?
2) What ways do people in the area dispose their wastes’?
3) What is the level of exposure to vaccine amongst the people of
Scope of the Study
This is to assess the quality of the environmental care in Bungudu of
state condition and not in any other area.
The study is designed to find out the source of water supply and the
manner of their sewage disposal and their level of exposure to oral polio
vaccine (OPV) and not in other area.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
national diploma (nd)